FlexShapeOptimizing energy flexibility with FlexOffers

FlexShape aims to maximize the value of flexibility by making it explicit using the revolutionary FlexOffer concept, which is based on 7 years of research at Daisy at Aalborg University.

FlexShape develops and sells tools that help energy market players and solution providers to manage and optimize their flexibility portfolios. FlexShape aims to maximize the value of flexibility by making it explicit using the revolutionary ”Big Energy Data” Flex-offer concept.
The Flex-offer concept and technology has been developed at the Center for Data-intensive Systems (Daisy) at Aalborg University since 2010 in the large EU FP7 projects MIRABEL and Arrowhead, and the large Danish Totalflex project supported by Energinet.dk’s ForskEL program. Recently, flex-offers form the core of the GOFLEX project (starting in November 2016) which was top ranked in a recent Horizon 2020 call on integrating renewable energy in distribution grids. In total, these projects have received grants of over 85 mio. Euros.

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